
300+ poems. 15 chapters. 10 years.
A journey of stray and becoming.

“A compelling collection that offers comprehensive exploration of love, longing, self discovery, and the passage of time.”

— Santiago Villafania, bilingual poet

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Goodreads reviews:

“Reading poetry books can become monotonous but this one’s actually innovative that it will keep you on your toes! Plus it has so much relatable, heart-wrenching, and also heart-warming stories. A book that you have to consume slowly because even the poems take are relatively smaller paper real estate, they hold so many emotions! Read this if you just need a book that goes well with your coffee OR wine.”

— Jud

“Gibson Perez knows nostalgia like the back of his hand, and in this collection creates a mesh of memories that catches readers unawares. Prepare to revisit your shadows and dreams.”

— Cris Santos

“Every line in the book goes straight to one’s heart (my heart), that I would need to take a breather before going to the next one. Addictive read!”

— Cindy Cruz


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